Lets Get Off The Phone and Start Reading

Find yourself on your cellphone too often? You are not alone. Let’s stop wasting our time, find our passions and do something meaningful.

I suggest we start with reading a book…

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The Three Chapters of The Reading Dilemma

The Reading Dilemma consists of three chapters that all together aim to motivate you to spend more time on the things that inspire and motivate you

Chapter 1


Have you found true inspiration or your passions on Instagram? Probably not. I believe that there are far better ways to find out what you deeply care about. Acknowledging that this will unlikely happen on your cellphone is the topic of chapter one. Let’s not waste our time!

Chapter 2


Reading properly isn’t taught in school. Yet, it should be. You can save loads of time by learning speed reading for example. And there are many other practical tips on reading fiction and non-fiction books. All will be discussed in chapter two. Ready, steady, read!

Chapter 3


The core of The Reading Dilemma! The last chapter offers you reading inspirations that will help you to find the questions that you deeply care about. Not a fan of non-fiction? You will find plenty of fiction books in chapter 3, too. There is something in store for everyone. Let’s solve our Reading Dilemma together!

I am happy that you are part of this journey. Enjoy!

About the Author

About the author sections usually follow the XYZ-Formula: My name is X. I am Y years old and I like to Z1, Z2 and Z3. I don’t like the XYZ-Formula.

It all started with the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” in Florence, 2019. Robert Kiyosaki’s book opened my eyes towards the world of finance and investing. Fortunately, I am still in that world, as I am studying International Business in Maastricht.

Other books about investing, stocks and finance soon followed. But I began to explore other topics as well. Personal Development, Biographies, Economics, Climate Change and Energy. These are a few genres and there are many more to come – the chapter three book posts will cover all these topics.

I strongly believe that not enough people read. Books can help you find what you want to do with your life. Which is why you will find many non-fiction books on this blog, as I am trying to find out what I want to do in the future. But don’t worry, even if you don’t care about energy or other non-fiction books, you will find a book that suits you.

Did I forget anything? Oh, yeah, I am 20 years old and I like to read, play basketball and hit the gym.
