“The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” – by Mark Manson

You Are Always Choosing to Give a Fuck

The very first page of my edition of Mark Manson’s “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” (TSAONGAF – elegant, right?) holds the first notes I ever took on publishing a blog about reading. Some passage made me stop reading and ponder about what to do with my reading passion – I started thinking.

Notes on the first page regarding my blog

What “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck” is About? Not Giving a Fuck

In June this year I read Manson’s book, but it had been sitting in my bookshelf for a while. A couple months ago I noticed it at a friend’s place. She liked it – so I had a go at it.

“The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one’s negative experience is itself a positive experience”

Mark Manson

The quote above best describes what the book is about: Accepting your flaws and learning how to deal with them. But it’s also about minding your own (fucking) business and avoiding distractions. How many things do you give a fuck about? Does it feel like there are too many? Too much social media, too much news, too many emails?

Manson tries to encourage the reader to be extremely picky about what we give a fuck about (btw – when writing this post, Microsoft Word kept suggesting changing “give a fuck” with “care” – but I did not fucking care). You only have that many fucks to give – so choose wisely.

I Fucking like Mark Manson

Usually, I haven’t enjoyed books from bloggers. They are redundant, too long for too little quality content and not on point. TSAONGAF is not like that.

Manson has a unique writing style – not only because of all the cursing – but rather because his book is very relatable. He doesn’t present himself as a know-it-all, instead he’s funny, direct, bold and a little sassy – all without sounding condescending. Manson has been through some shit and doesn’t hesitate to tell the reader. His brilliant metaphors are the icing on the cake.

I highlighted one paragraph with “einfach geiler Absatz”, which translates to “just fucking awesome paragraph”. Many more geile Absätze followed*.

Why This is Not Your Usual Self-Improvement Guide

TSAONGAF is not like other books about self-improvement. It is not full of conventional wisdoms or self-reflection exercises. Mark Manson offers a truly unique and counterintuitive approach to pain and self-doubt in your life. An approach that often feels wrong at first – but that is so interesting that it forces you to put the book down and reflect a fucking bit. 

John Strelecky’s books, “The Big Five for Life” and “The Café on the Edge of the World”, do the same thing to their readers. These books are not there to offer you stone-set solution. These books are thought-provoking. But you must do the thinking. Sounds like too much work? Trust me, it won’t be. It’ll come automatically – you won’t even notice.

When Will You Start Not Giving a Fuck?

I understand not everybody is into self-development books. I get it – some suck. But I think you should give Manson’s bestseller a try, even if you don’t feel the need for a thought-provoking read.  You will at the very least enjoy the swearing.

So, this book did ultimately not only help me to the idea of starting this blog – it was awesome! And if I were you, I would care give a Fuck to read it. Enjoy!


*Geiler Absatz from Mark Manson’s “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck”:

“But then there are those people who overidentify with their emotions. Everything is justified for no other reason that they felt it. “Oh, I broke your windshield, but I was really mad; couldn’t help it.” Or “I dropped out of school and oved to Alaska just because it felt right.” Decision-making based on emotional intuition, without the aid of reason to keep it in line, pretty much always sucks. You know who bases their entire lives on their emotions? Three-year-old kids. And dogs. You know what else three-year-olds and dogs do? Shit on the carpet.”

Do you have a book recommendation or want to share some thoughts or ideas? Please contact me. I am happy to get in touch with you!