I am still reading. Are you?

It has been a long time since I posted something on TRD. I needed some time to think about where I want to take the blog. I still enjoy writing immensely and I’ll try to keep doing it. But for now, it is unclear in what way the blog here will play a role in that. 

But one thing has not changed: I still read. And I encourage you do to the same. Just recently, I finished the entire series of Freakonomics. Every single one of them (there are four books in total) is more than worth your time. They are funny and show how beautiful economics (and psychology) can be. So, whoever you are and whatever you do, I highly recommend you give the books a shot. Consider this a nudge (a concept from the book I’m currently reading: “Nudge”)!

What else to say…?

Oh, follow me on goodreads! And keep up the reading!