Creating a Reading Community – TRD is on goodreads!

Exams are coming up! At least for me and all other students of the University here in Maastricht. And while we all start spending enormous amounts of time in the library, sometimes you need a break. Get your head free! Do something different and stop reading (!) about cost of capital, WACC, ABC-systems and all that stuff. Some quality time of can give you the endurance to study a little harder afterwards. So that’s what I did…

Up and Down The Court

That means basketball on Friday night. 5v5. 1 sub per team. All out. It is beautiful and exhausting – but in a good way. While some people turn out to be little cry babies others mind their own business – or trash talk. I like to trash talk. But that is not the point I am trying to make.

After the basketball games we usually chat a couple of minutes and then leave. But this time I talked to two Human Decision Science Master students – we chatted a little longer. I have talked to several psychology and behavioral economics students and I always ask them wether they know the works of Daniel Kahneman. Usually they don’t. Which is a bummer, because I love these books and am considering pursuing human decision making in my further university studies.


But these two ballers knew their shit. And told me that Kahneman’s work is a big part of their studies. I was interested, they were interested – it was a great discussion. We exchanged numbers and I was told to add them on goodreads to get some further reading inspiration in the field of human decision making.

I had never heard of goodreads. But when I signed up and it quickly became obvious to me that The Reading Dilemma had to be on goodreads.

Goodreads essentially is Facebook for books. You can share with friends and everybody else what you are currently reading, what you still want to read and what you have read. Your completed books become part of your bookshelf. You can then rate completed books, write comments on them and refer them to friends.

I have created a The Reading Dilemma group on goodreads that everybody is highly encouraged to join. Let’s connect!

Let’s motivate each other. This platform is perfect for that and offers a great natural extension of this blog. Share what you read, share what you want to read and share what you think about books you have read. Goodsreads can also be used as inspiration. We can find out what other reader of TRD like to read and compare our bookshelfs.

I have already included a bunch of books in my bookshelf and on my “Want to read”-List. Do it too. I am highly interested in what you read and would love to find the next book from one of you.

I am going to study a little more while you join the group. Exams are coming up…


I want to give credit to my dad for taking the featured image of this post. It fits nicely with the colors of this blog. Fortunately, he is much better at taking pictures than I am. It was taken in front of a local library in Hamburg.

Thanks dad!