Reading – Why, When, Where, How and Who

Have you ever sat on a train and heard somebody read out loud? It can be annoying. And it is a waste of time for the person reading out loud. We can read faster if we don’t read out loud. 

In Chapter 2 of The Reading Dilemma we will explore how to read properly (yes, you can read improperly), how we can get the most out of each book, how taking notes can help us understand a book and remember its content and we discuss why we should always carry just one Sushi-Stick with us wherever we go (spoiler: it’s not to eat sushi).

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Do you have experience in improving your reading skills? How quick to you read? How have you become a better reader? I want to know it all please. Let me know of your quest to the ultimate reader. Comment or contact me. I am happy to get in touch with you!