The Chopstick of Speed (Part 1/2)

The Chopstick of Speed

One by one we blink.

One by one we bleed.

One by one we plead.

One by one we think

We do it slow

Go down like snow

When we should go like rain

And safe the pain


One by one we turn.

One by one we moan.

One by one we groan.

One by one we learn.

No need to improve

But why not remove

The lack speed

In order to lead


One by one we feel.

One by one we cry.

One by one we lie.

One by one we heal.

Let’s go, Let’s go, Let’s go

We don’t rush to the end

And we don’t comprehend

But do we understand? No


The Chopstick of Speed 

Holds the power to lead

And the power to lead

Holds light to speed

And faster we go!

Blink faster.

Bleed faster.

Plead faster.

Think faster.

Turn faster.

Moan faster.

Groan faster.

Learn faster.

Feel faster.

Cry faster.

Lie faster.

Heal faster.

And faster we go!

This is part one of The Chopstick of Speed. Watch out for part two – dropping Sunday next week. We will shed some light into the true power of the the speed of the chopstick.

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