What Do You Do First Thing in The Morning?

What Do You Do First Thing in The Morning?

Exams are done. I got a couple of free days and am going to enjoy them quite a bit. The beer right after the exam tasted awesome. The taste of freedom. Freedom for at least some days…

As I am about to enjoy that freedom, but don’t want to miss an upload on TRD, here is a rather short TRD post (maybe well call them TRD Snacks or Bites or quick thoughts – I don’t know yet). 

Bird Chirping Alarm – How Do You Wake Up?

I have my morning alarm on my cellphone. You probably do too. But it wasn’t like that for me all the time. I used to have an alarm clock that was able to wake you up with the sound of chirping birds. It was super chill! Every morning the birds started getting louder and louder until they were blasting out of that little black Sony box. 

I loved those birds. 

But the birds died. I mean the alarm clock broke of course. And I couldn’t fix it. Or didn’t know how to. Come to think of it, why didn’t I buy a new one? I also don’t know. Too expensive? Maybe. But it would have been worth it.

Now I get woken up by a truly annoying alarm sound every morning. And my phone is right next to my bed. So, the temptation is always there, and I give in too many times.

That is even though I know and feel that staying away from the phone in the morning is awesome and relaxing. In some weird way it truly is a completely different start to the day. A start that you have for yourself. And get to be with your thoughts. Let it only be a couple of minutes. That is time you have for yourself. Time that you don’t share with your phone or somebody else on Instagram. Give it a try.

Read, Sex, Coffee – Choose Your Order!

I know it’s hard. The bed is cozy and warm. You are still a little drunk from last night and don’t feel like starting the day. The phone is the obvious solution in that case. But I am here to give a couple of alternatives.

The obvious one here is read – nothing more to add.

You can also have sex – awesome choice too. Also, nothing more to add.

Or do sit-ups in bed or get a coffee and go back-to-back. 

Hell, there are so many alternatives you can choose from. Just don’t be on your phone! And get some birds!!!
